Saturday 10-4 join us our for our first ever Lake View Organic Farm @ Farmhouse World Kitchen in Plum City, WI. Four gorgeous farmtresses will be here selling our goods in this gorgeous room! Come browse, shop, nosh, sip and enjoy the vibe and space in our sweet little town.

Small towns like Stockholm, Mineral Point and and New Glarus have hit the tourist radar for interesting places to explore in Wisconsin, and I am in total agreement that they offer wonderful things to see and do. I totally prefer small town travel over the rush and gush of big city mush. But, if you're out in the Stockholm area for a visit, don't sell yourself short, because I can tell you that there are lots of small towns around here that are worth checking out. Off the bat, I'll acknowledge that I am certainly biased as my residential address is Maiden Rock and my business address is Plum City! Both of these small towns are worth a visit.
Plum City sits on the banks of Plum Creek - yes, one of Laura Ingalls Wilder's haunts - in a gorgeous little valley where the church bells chime at noon and 6:00. Plum City is where my Farmhouse World Kitchen is located as well as the state's (we think) longest running hardware store, Plum City Hardware. Here you can find everything you need to manage your home and gardens as well as fun extras like a kickass farm toy selection and a whole wall dedicated to maple tapping necessities. If you've a hankering for ice cream, they serve up fantastic cones to take as you stroll down the street to view the pond and GIANT trout.

If you travel the Great River Road, make a circle north to Plum City along county road A to meander along the Rush River. Midway between Highway 10 and the Great River Road 35, you can see the work of a plumber and his artesian wells at Rush River Ice Sculptures. They're phenomenal.

The weather looks to be winter wonderful - not too cold with no precipitation in the forecast. Saturday will be a great day for a day trip of small town exploring:) I'd love to see you all.
Sending love from farmlandia,
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