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Time Flies When You're Havin' Fun!

Writer's picture: Sarah BrennerSarah Brenner

Some of you will remember the first day when we opened our barn doors to the hay mow and had a few items for sale in our little farm store. The pandemic closed lots of businesses and it seemed to me, folks felt more comfortable shopping on a farm than in a big box supermarket. It's certainly a much more interesting way to procure some of your pantry needs!

By last June William had the store built, and a year later, Lake View Organic Farm and its little store have made quite a few friends!

I had no idea our presence on the web would mean Google would become a player in our lives helping people find the store, direct them to the website and even allow space for reviews! Being open to reviews is actually really scary for me as judgement is something I try to escape in my life, although I do understand its benefit for growth when dealt with loving words, care and kindness. As I am the first to critique and evaluate the store, I know there is room for constructive criticism, so thanks to all of you who have come to us with such kind hearts and given us space to experiment before sending any scathing critiques our way. Opening the store has been nothing but a LOVE fest!

So many of you have fallen in love with Daisy, the sweetest three-legged farm dog ever, but I have to tell you, she feels equally smitten with each of you! She knows when the farm store will be open, spends her days greeting most of you, and follows me around excitedly whenever I head to the store on off days hoping it might mean time for some petting and hugs!

She was out helping me in the greenhouse this morning always a faithful, kind and loving companion. She's going to be 13 years old this coming September. That front leg gets stiff on her at times, but she still insists on traipsing around as best she can. When people ask about her, I always say, "This Tri-Colored Border Collie spent her years herding tires!" She paid with the loss of a leg, but continued accompanying William to the fields, racing along the tractor up and down each field for hours until about two years ago. Now she prefers to sleep away the day under the kitchen table, or visit when we have guests.


As William said this morning, "Farm On!" That must be the opposite of "Keep peckin' away at it." The duals are out, the discs are out, the diggers are out and the tractors are all lined up waiting their turn. This is a great time to get out to the farm if you're a tractor lover! They are out in the field and parked all over around here for easy viewing.


For those of you who like all things spicy, the last three bags of our dried peppers from last fall found their way into a fantastic topping for pizza I named, "Move Over Crushed Red!" Yes, it's hot, but the addition of dried garlic and oregano give it a lovely flavor boost.

There is a new batch of Wild Ramp Pesto ready for sandwiches, pasta, crackers or to serve on the side of steak or roast chicken. Some of the wild ramps also ended up in a Chili Paste that would be great on a ginger garlic stir fry bowl or Curry Bowl.

I dipped into a couple of frozen bags of last year's raspberries to bring you a taste of summer in our Farmhouse Bars. This batch is Raspberry Coconut Almond with white chocolate. There is also a new Peanut Chocolate Cookie Bar. For those of you steering away from processed sugars, we have more of the Vegan Cherry Almond Power Bars (these are also Gluten Free).

Probably the best thing in the store right now are new WHITE WALNUT Coasters! Our neighbors needed to remove the tree from an entanglement, and William was enlisted to help. His help led to a lovely natural product to make your home more unique and interesting.

I have learned so much in the last year since opening our little farm store, and I am deeply grateful to each one of you for your support. I look forward to seeing you all each time you visit!

Sending love from the farm,




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