We had a moment to take off for a little field tour this evening to find that the rye is mostly ready, the hay wants to be cut, and the sunflowers are starting to open! I thought we'd be in full swing the first week in August, but it looks like PEAK SUNFLOWERS will grace us with their beauty starting this next week. We anticipate a full field of yellow is likely July 27-July 31. There are a few popping open already.

The rye is nodding telling us it is ready to be combined, and a test for dryness shows its hardened off...indeed it's time.

We'll have nippers out to cut bouquets ($1 a sunflower stem), hopefully a fun farmy backdrop for a photo moment and the store will be stocked with sunflower oil for a delicious culinary treat from the farm.
And for added fun.... a Rush River Produce (The Blueberry Farm) scavenger hunt. The blueberries, in abundance this year, are easy to find, but can you find this paper wasp nest when you visit? I'm at the checkout stand at the berry farm...let me know if you think you find it:) Berry picking will continue for the next many weeks. Make sure you call Rush River Produce ahead for a Berry Forecast to make sure the pickin' is good!

Enjoy these long warm days of summer. Despite the dry weather, we marvel at all the beauty around us!
Sending love from the farm,