(Happy scenery on the farm-to-farm walking tour)
Ever since landing myself in the ER to find that I needed a pacemaker, I have become increasingly more convinced that when possible, we should strive to live long healthy lives with as little medical intervention as possible. I've always been a huge advocate of healthy living, have studied nutrition to the point that someone may give me an honorary PhD one day, and at the same time, I am deeply perplexed by the human mechanisms that allow us to overeat, store so much excessive fat and psychologically succumb to some of the crazy ideas about health and wellness that exist.
You may have seen the series now showing on Netflix called, "Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones?" In the series, Dan Buettner, Blue Zone guru, travels the world to understand why, in a few rare pockets, people live well into old age, and often pass 100. He wondered if it's possible to reverse-engineer the formula for longevity. I like that idea! And, it seems to me that many of the Blue Zone factors already exist here in Western Wisconsin...but not everything.
What constitutes a Blue Zone?
In order to live longer and better, Buettner discovered it's really quite simple - a balance of good health habits and social engagement.
There are NINE specific habits he uncovered that lead to longer healthier lives:
Moderate, regular physical activity
Life purpose
Stress reduction
Moderate caloric intake
A plant-based diet
Moderate alcohol intake primarily wine
Engagement in spirituality or religion
Engagement in family life
Strong social life with fun
I'm so motivated by the idea of reverse-engineering the formula in my own life, that the idea to host day camps and retreats here on the farms is taking shape. I see potential for all sorts of activities I could host that would offer experiential, community, nutrition, exercise and fun for participants. Will you join me?
First Blue Zone Day Camp
WHAT: Blue Zone Discussion & Farm-to-Farm Walking Tour
WHERE: Dirt Farm to Lake View Organic Farm and back (4 Miles partially on gravel, partially on pavement. There are a couple of BIG hills. It's a hike for intermediate walkers accustomed to a challenge.)
WHEN: 1:00 - 4:00 Sunday, October 22nd
DETAILS: Bring a water bottle, watch the weather, right now the forecast calls for sunny skies and temps in the 50s with little wind. Layers are best.
COST: Free
RSVP to flossybfarmin@gmail.com by Saturday, October 21st 3:00 pm. I will send you the exact address when I receive your RSVP.
If you haven't stopped out to see our new freezer and grab some soup, it's time! The weather looks to be phenomenal this weekend and the Fall colors are just spectacular! Lake View Organic Farm makes a great destination on your leaf-looking adventure.
As always, I send BIG love from the farm,
I live in the Minneapolis metro area, but so appreciate your thoughts on realizing a "blue zone" where we live. PS. Best of luck with your pacemaker (my father who is 92 has done well with his for thirty years now!).
Hi! Let us know if you do this again! Would love to come!
I’m working Sunday otherwise I would be walking with you. I think we have almost all of the “ingredients“ for a healthy life here on the West Coast of Wisconsin. Maybe I’m not connected enough within my community, but I don’t hear a lot about food insecurity or access to affordable healthy foods, yet I feel that I need to think twice when oranges are $8 a bag at the grocery store. That makes me think about how I can bring more healthy options to my community. Maybe I’m thinking about a larger project than you are proposing, but it’s food for thought.
Great ideas, Sarah! I can't join you on Sunday, but would welcome another gathering to talk about Blue Zone principles (and maybe drink a little wine?).