This photo was taken today, June 4th at about noon. This beauty queen is nearly finished, yet there is so much still to do. William keeps reminding me that this is not your average construction job. He doesn't have a nice clean stack of new lumber to work with. Nearly everything used to build the FARM STORE has come from either a blowdown or a teardown, which of course, gives the building character and patina, but makes for long days of nail pulling, measuring and cleaning off a hundred years of dust.

These last few days we've had a lot of help. Yesterday the guys did the hard work of hanging galvanized metal for the ceiling. This was a balancing act as the peak is higher than our 12-foot ladder, so leverage and an extra set of arms was imperative. And, I know you all noticed it was blistering hot yesterday - not comfortable for this kind of work.

Today the walls are going in - a mixture of galvanized and shiplap barn wood. The store will be a thing of beauty, no doubt! Once the walls are up, we'll need to put in our shelves and display spaces, bring in the fridge and begin to set up shop.
William is looking forward to having this big task off his "To Do" list as it is time to make some hay and do a little cultivating. Weeds grow very well on an organic farm!
I am SUPER excited about two new products this week. I have "Chive Sprinkles" and Radish Chive Kimchi.
The lovely lavender flowerette and subtle onion flavor of the chive have been preserved through drying. Chive Sprinkles should be used to add a flourish to finish a plate. Sprinkle the preserved chives on a feta salad, dress a bowl of sunflower dipping oil for some of Sandra's (Smiling Pelican Bakeshop) amazing bread, or beautify a spring asparagus and chive pasta dish for the family. Keep the color and flavor of spring for months ahead.

Already tired of radishes? This spicy Korean Radish and Chive Kimchi will make you rethink that idea! Eat it straight out of the jar, with a side of rice or with a brothy spring veggie soup. It is absolutely addicting! We'll have some fresh radishes for you, too, if you're not tired of them yet!

Desperation Dairy will return with their fabulous yogurts, there are bags of sunflower seeds available for birdseed and it is entirely possible that will get to see our new baby chicks! Someday we'll have eggs again.
Hope to see you Saturday at the Lake View Organic Farm Store!