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Did You Plant Crooked Rows?

Writer's picture: Sarah BrennerSarah Brenner

Farmers take their planting style and row esthetic very seriously, and unless planting on contour, do not want to be teased with that old adage, "You get more corn in a crooked row!" I wonder if that idea holds true for those who roam and amble heading through life on the loopy patterns of a stunt pilot instead of on a straight-as-an-arrow rocket launch formation. Does a good amble offer more? More experiences, more opportunities, or just more of it all?

Our rows are all buried mostly straight and coming up with the heat. William celebrated the end of big-field planting last night, but of course, there are still a million things to do like prep the haying equipment, finish planting the vegetables, weed the gardens and mow the lawns. There is certainly a forward and clear path to follow as we work through our life out here, but sometimes it feels awfully circumlocutory as we get pulled from one task to another.

The sure fire thing about this life besides it being a lot of work, is that we enjoy mountains of natural beauty! Last night's rain graced us with a big fat DOUBLE rainbow that accompanied us all the way home from Red Wing and the wild flowers were ablaze in the ditches.

We're waiting for four mama ducks to hatch their nests. William incubated some of the duck eggs this Spring, so we already have seven babies that he's tending, but hopefully, if all goes as intended, we will have a few gaggles of duckies to enjoy! One of our hens laid an egg in a duck nest, so we're anxious to see if we get a chick in the mix!

We've got some fabulous YELLOW GLOBE heirloom tomatoes, onion starts and potatoes for anyone still looking for something fun to add to their gardens. Otherwise, the farm store is chock full of delicious treats. New this week is a Rhubarb Grape Chia Sauce. The rhubarb I had from the garden was so green that I thought adding grape puree from last fall's Concord Grape harvest might add some fun color and pizazz. It's delicious on ice cream, but also works great on toast! Also new this week.. or should I say back by popular demand...our fabulous MOREL infused Umami Mami bread dip. Add a spoon of this seasoning to our sunflower oil for a serious bread-dipping culinary treat! Also delicious on roasted chicken, grilled steak or sprinkled on asparagus!

As the temps heat up, I like to remember how cold it was in January, and how long the winter dragged on (through April!). These hot temps are perfect for ice tea on the summer screen porch where we can watch fireflies flit about above the lawn at dusk. It's the little things!

Stop out for a visit any time. The Farm Store is open DAILY 9-5.

Sending love from the farm,



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