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Bull on the Lawn

Writer: Sarah BrennerSarah Brenner

"You gotta cow out!" is an expression that comes excitedly from the speaker yet doesn't get much of a ruffle from the farmer. They always go back in.

The other day, Bill and Benny were in the kitchen grabbing a bite to eat between sap collecting and wiring lights on Benny's new truck, when Benny looked out the window and said, “Hey, you gotta cow out.”

Turns out what Benny saw was actually our largest bull standing all proud and a little amazed with himself on the lawn near the Farm Store. He’s a two-plus thousand pound behemoth with a head the size of an overstuffed armchair.

Bill opened the door and hollered, “Hey! What are you doing? Get on back where you belong!” The bull stood for a moment then trotted down and around to the side of the cattle yard where the round bale feeder lay and hopped up and over the four foot gate like a graceful ballerina. Bill was thankful his leap wasn't like a bull in a china shop.

 “He just popped up and back in. Didn’t kick the gate. Nothing broken. Made it look easy.” 

I picture Mr. Big Bull practicing his leaps while we sleep.

Just like that the big bull could be out any time he wishes. The electric fence that runs along the road only stands two to three feet high. What keeps those cattle from roaming freely? Easy food and family, I suppose.


There is so much fun in that store right now! I've been testing all sorts of ideas with cookies so the freezer is jam packed. I also packaged up sunflower seeds for garden planting for those of you who may want to fill your lives with sunshiny joy this summer! Of course, William has seeds for birds packed in big bags as well. This time of year when all the songbirds return, we love to feed them.

The ducks are out, the hens are laying, the cattle are where they should be...the farm (and The Great River Road) is a great place to notice the wonders of SPRING! Stop on out:)

Sending LOVE from the farm,




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