I have a hole in my work pants that came from actual work! Nowadays, women's jeans are sold with holes carefully placed in the fabric, painstakingly pulled and shredded by the seamstresses nimble fingers working in faraway textile mills in Guatemala, Vietnam, India and China. These pants have clothed me through five or six years of projects, and just the other day, the fabric became so thin it began to shred. Apparently my stress points are actually above the knee and not below!

Speaking of working myself to the bone...the language of Western Wisconsin fascinates me. I love the farm idioms that have become part of my new lexicon since moving out here like "That sucks hind tit," (as related to the runt in the pig litter who keeps getting pushed out by his bigger brothers or sisters at mama's milking station) or another one using hind - "he can really talk the hind leg off a donkey" (that describes my sweet William who loves to "jabber" as he calls it.) Of course, opening a restaurant implies that I have "put my hand to the plough" in the sense that I have taken on the task of some pretty durned hard work.
A couple of days ago one of our friends said something I'd never heard before. Explaining how busy he'd been one day he said, "I wasn't lettin' grass grow under my feet." What?? As a language teacher, a lover of all funny ways to say a thing, how had I missed this one? And double dang, doesn't that just describe me lately, too! I'm running around so fast to get it all done, there's no way any grass could grow under my feet!
There is progress in the restaurant, but that paint brush seems to have attached itself to my hand! I just can't get to the point that I might be able to even consider the word, "DONE!" Will I ever be done? As if walls, ceilings, floors, windows and doors weren't enough, every where I turn, there is something else to paint! This week I painted chairs. Apparently, in the UK, there was some bridge that required constant maintenance. Bringing our new restaurant to life "is like painting the Forth Bridge." But rest assured, I am painting on and on and on so you'll be able to paint the town red and stop by for lunch or supper sometime around July 4th. It'll happen. It'll be delicious. Our farm flavor is coming to town and the teacher is behind the wheel! Watch out!!!

Stop out to the farm, check out the farm store, get a little taste of the place that will deliver some fabulous food Plum City way. If you're gardening, we've got straw to mulch your beds on a pallet next to the store. Bring a pick-up and load up!
I'm off to paint. I'm going to say "done" today when I finish the last of the chairs! Fortunately, all that painting gives me time to think and plan all the next streps needed to launch this ship!
Sending love from the farm restaurant,