Lake View Organic Farm's SUNFLOWER OIL is back! This, our deliciously nutty heart healthy cold pressed 2022 vintage celebrated a good year from field to feast, and I am happy so happy to have it around again! It's for sale in the store along with our farm's gourmet taste treat, MAPLE MUSTARD VINAIGRETTE! This fabulous salad dressing is made with our sunflower oil, our maple syrup, our mustard and our very own farm made apple cider vinegar. It's perfect for any green salad from arugula, baby greens or massaged into kale.

But wait, there is more! William has been busy bagging up sunflower seeds for birdseed, corn to feed the deer, and I have made enough hats to fill my tree with this winter's newest designs. We also have a new SHRUB for those of you who enjoy a celebratory cocktail without alcohol, and I bottled a tiny bit of grape vinegar for a taste of something truly local and gourmet.

Winter is certainly here, but our farm and the store are open daily 9-5.
Sending love from the farm,