Sweet William got all the 2024 harvested sunflower seeds cleaned and the very big job of squishing the oil out of them DONE! The last couple days all he talks about is "Our pressing situation!" Woot woot! I'm back in MY FAVORITE COOKING OIL and SALAD DRESSING!!! And so are you!
While I'm thrilled to have delicious sunflower oil again, I'm also on a bender about all the "Seed Oil" news. Good thing I know how to do a review the literature to wade through the true and untrue, good and bad, biased and unbiased stuff that's out there! It's deep, friends, really deep.
As many of you know, I am a HUGE fan of all things related to NUTRITION. I follow news and research related to health with great interest...and frustration. It is so irritating to find "the right" path as information about health and nutrition (and most "news" in general) is often conflicting. Whenever I get mixed messages about something related to nutrition, I head to the research studies and dig deep.
One topic related to nutrition that is near and dear to my heart is SUNFLOWER OIL. Last year I started to notice all of these health and wellness influencers denounce SEED OILS. What? I thought. Can this be true? Can my beloved sunflower oil actually be bad for me?
I've been so proud of the delicious and heart healthy cold pressed unrefined oil we sell in our farm store, but after seeing all this negative blurbing about seed oils, I had to head back into the research.
What did I find? I found what I already knew. Cold pressed unrefined sunflower oil is incredibly healthy for us.
1) Sunflower oil does not cause inflammation
2) Sunflower oil does not deliver an overload of Omega 6s
3) Sunflower oil does not contribute to an excess of free radicals
4) Sunflower oil does not weaken the immune system
5) Sunflower oil does not clog arteries
So, what is the problem with seed oils?
The problem isn't so much with the seed oils themselves, but with all of the processed foods we consume that are prepared with these oils. Specifically, the problem is with the sugars and carbohydrates in highly processed foods that are often made with seed oils. The other problem is that many of these oils are expelled with heat and/or chemicals. Obviously, these processes either remove healthful benefits or leave unhealthy stuff behind. I would avoid those. Oils like ours that are cold pressed retain all of their natural antioxidants and vitamins. I would also avoid oils made from seeds conventionally farmed. Soybean, corn and canola from fields not grown organically aren't ones I think we should eat.
What's so great about sunflower oil?
The obvious and most easily identifiable positive attribute of cold-pressed sunflower oil is taste. Sunflower oil does not overpower in the saute pan, but instead contributes a lovely nutty flavor to cooking. It's absolutely delicious.
In terms of health benefits, the research proves there are many:
1) Sunflower oil REDUCES inflammation
2) Sunflower oil is HEART HEALTHY
3) Sunflower oil helps lower blood sugar
4) Sunflower oil helps support weight loss
5) Sunflower oil, high in Vitamin E, prevents heart damage
6) Sunflower oil is good for the immune system
7) Sunflower oil is high in antioxidants, reducing free radicals
8) Sunflower oil is also great for skin and hair.
Of course, I am biased, but when research study after research study disproves and explains why seed oils aren't necessarily the culprit, and in fact, can have many benefits for a healthy life, I happily enjoy Maple Mustard Vinaigrette drizzled over salad greens and gobble down the evening stir fry all made with Sweet William's Lake View SUNFLOWER OIL.
Internet news can sure be cloudy. Those of you with university degrees know the value of the "Review of Literature," checking to see who funded the study to uncover possible bias, and digging into any potential conflict of interest. Of course, an analysis of research methods may uncover flaws as well.
Be vigilant. Be smart. Read deep and wide.
Sending love from the farm,
Bossy Flossy